PROGRAMS برامجنا
Noor Al-Mu'minaat of Masjid Ar-Rahman

*Latest News & Events*
Prayer Times
September.30.2015 - Eid ul-Ad'ha
Masjid Ar-Rahman, as usual, has had an eventful time during the hajj days. Jazak Allahu khayran to all of you who were able to join us at our events and have made them a joyous experience for all.
Day of Arafah
On the 9th day of Dhul Hijjah, the day of Arafah, Masjid Ar-Rahman brought everyone together for a community iftar. What a great way to engourage the fasting of this blessed day, as the Prophet [saws] advised that those who fast the day of Arafah two years worth of his sins will be forgiven, one year before it and the year after it. SubhanAllah.
Eid ul-Ad'ha Prayer
Due to poor weather conditions, the Eid ul-Ad'ha prayer was performed inside the masjid at 8:30am followed by the serving of sweet & savory refreshments. Alhamdulilah, the festive atmosphere was felt throughout the masjid from the laughter of the children to the well wishes & duas of the sisters. May Allah accept from all of us our efforts and ibadas. Ameen. The kids were looking forward to dig in to their goodies that were distributed to them. Before the festivities concluded, the goodie bags were also shared with the masjid neighbourhood, door-to-door.
Eid ul-Ad'ha Celebration
On Sunday September 27th, the masjid hosted the Eid Celabration Party from 11:00am-4:00pm. Alhamdulilah, the weather was in our favour, Allah made it possible for us to enjoy the sun outdoors. Lots of food to enjoy, the ud'hiya [qurbani] meat was served among other specialties. The kids enjoyed their time making 'Eid' cards at the crafting station as well as their time on the playground.
Last but not least, Masjid Ar-Rahman Foundation of North Vancouver & Noor al-Mu'minaat sisters section would like to make a special mention of our committed and tireless volunteers. The volunteer group of brothers and sisters who had come early to set up, helped throughout the events to better serve the community and those who stayed late to clean up after each event, they have worked so hard to make the Eid events as smooth as possible for the organizers and as enjoyable as possible for the guests. We cannot thank you enough for your continuous commitment. We ask Allah [swt] to protect you and your families and keep you steadfast in the guidance of Islam and we ask Him give you the highest level of paradise. May Allah [swt] always give us strength to serve our community in the best ways possible. Ameen.
Click HERE to view the photos in the gallery.
August.10.2015 - Qur'an Competition
Masjid Ar-Rahman hosted the first annual Qur'an Competition which was held on August 1st and the Finals on August 8th!
Please click on the following link to see the participants, winner & photos:
May Allah reward all the contestants for participating and we ask Allah to bless them and make us and them from those who memorize the Qur’an and implement its teachings. Ameen.
July.25.2015 - Eid ul-Fitr Prayer & BBQ Celebration
This year, Eid ul-Fitr prayer & BBQ was organized in collaboration with Masjid Omar Al-Farooq. The prayer was on July 17/2015 in Masjid Ar-Rahman parking lot. It was followed by snacks and refreshmets to celebrate this beautiful day. Goodie bags were distributed to all children. The kids also helped share this celebration with the masjid neighbours by distributing goodie bags door-to-door.
Tha celebratory BBQ was held at Cates Park in North Vancouver. Masha'Allah, almost 600 muslims joined us on this day. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather, the great food and, of course, the friendship.
May Allah strengthen and always keep our community united. Ameen.
July.16.2015 - The Holy Month of Ramadan
This year was no different, during Ramadan, the masjid was committed to the following:
* Daily iftars for the community
* Nightly taraweeh prayers
* I'tikaf during the last 10 nights
* Night prayers during the last 10 nights
* Suhoor during the last 10 nights
* Kids Competition [Tracking their fasting and their prayers during the last 10 days]
Another ramadan has come and gone. May Allah [swt] forgive us for any shortcomings and accept from us our deeds, fasting, ibadah, salah & duas, May Allah grant us to live through another blessed month. Ameen
Special thanks to all the volunteers who committed their time and efforts to make this Ramadan an enjoyable and beneficial gathering. May Allah [swt] reward them greatly with Jannat ul-Firdaws. Ameen.
June.07.2015 - Ramadan Preparations
Sisters! It is that time of year again! Ramadan is approaching us and are we ready for it? Are we prepared ourselves? Our mind? Our body? Our soul?
By the will of Allah, there will be nightly community iftars at the masjid throughout Ramadan. This is offered to the whole family. Breaking of your fast with the community and enjoin in congregational taraweeh prayer is the sweetness of Ramadan,
June.06.2015 - Congratulations!
By the will of Allah, the Almighty, the students of Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed Class have successfully completed Level One.
Congratulations to the following sisters [in no particular order]:
*Sr. Mersiha Dugic - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Shereen Khan - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Khadija Ali - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Sophia Khan - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Afsana Gaphoor - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Afroza Gaphoor - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr. Sumaira Aftab - Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr.Soumaya Charfi - Tajweed - Level 1
*Sr.Selma Aljen - Tajweed - Level 1
Special thanks to Sr. Zohra, for her continous commitment and her hard work in sharing her knowledge with other sisters in the community.
May Allah [swt] always grant them success in the path of Islam. Ameen
May.30.2015 - Annual Community BBQ at Cates Park
Alhamdulilah! We had an incredible turnout at our annual Community BBQ at Cates Park this year. Most enjoyed the sunshine while others were chasing the shade. The open field gave the kids the opportunity to get active and competitive with their peers in a soccer game. Overall, it was another successful event.
Jazak Allahu khayran to all those who worked hard to make this event happen.
April.25.2015 - Sisters Lecture
Another amazing and informative session by our local speaker Sr. Hafsa Thompson. Masha'Allah the sisters have learned a great deal about being conscious of Allah and its importance. SubhanAllah, if we change our mindset and think of Allah in everything we do, this will have a significant impact in our lives. Jazak Allahu khayran to the volunteers who helped organize this beneficial session and for their efforts in preparing tasty food for everyone to enjoy.
We ask Allah to help us be more conscious of Him and His approval in everything we say and do. Ameen.
Mar.21.2015 - Spring Fun at the Masjid
Masha'Allah. Another successful event at the masjid came to a beautiful end.
The two days were jam packed with activities that showcased the children's creative side, their sportsmanship, team playing skills and much more.
The kids who attended this event were part of an outdoor trip to the closest field/playground, learned the importance of loving & respecting their parents, planted green peas in their beautifully decorated pots, competed in relay games, had fun with our home-made 'gooey dough'' & many more. They ended their days while indulging over pizza dinner with their peers.
Check out the photos of the event by clicking HERE.
However, sometimes you can see the result of all our efforts in the smallest ways. After almost everyone had left, 9 year-old Mai came running back in the masjid. She was explaining that Sadja’s plant was left behind. Little Sarah said that Sajda had already left with her family. After a short exchange between the two girls, they both realized that the plant cannot be left behind, the plant needs to be waterend and taken care of. Without hesitation little Sarah volunteered to take Sajda’s plant home & care for it until she meets Sajda. SubhanAllah, I was left speechless as I was listening to this conversation between the two little girls. Masha’Allah, what an act of mercy towards this plant; this plant wasn’t even given life yet. This reminds us:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The Compassionate One has mercy on those who are merciful. If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He Who is in the heaven will show mercy to you.”
[Sahih Hadith - Abu Dawood]
May Allah, Ar-Rahman, help us be compassionate & merciful to everyone and everything in this dunya so that we earn His mercy, the only mercy, in the Day of Resurrection. Ameen.
Mar.09.2015 - Spring Fun at the Masjid
Alhamdulilah! Spring is just around the corner. We are excited to take the opportunity and host kids activities during spring break.
Friday March 13th - from Jumu'ah Salaah [1:30pm] - Maghrib Salaah [7:15pm]
Friday March 20th - from Jumu'ah Salaah [1:30pm] - Maghrib Salaah [7:30pm]
These two days will be filled with various entertaining activities. Kids will enjoy outdoor games [weather permitting], Islamic educational session, indoor crafts & have the opportunity to socialize with their fellow participants during dinner.
This event is open all the families in our community. Parent participation & involvement is highly encouraged.
This is also an excellent opportunity to volunteer for those who are interested. Please contact us through the following channels:
May Allah [swt] put baraka in our efforts & make this event a beneficial experience for all of us.
Jan.17.2015 - Guest Speaker
The anticipated event for sisters lecture was enlightening and beneficial for all sisters who attended. Masha'Allah, sister Hafsa discussed the necessity of how an individual can rejuvenate & purify his/her soul from that which displeases Allah [swt].
With the help of Allah, the Almighty, we hope to have many more lectures that the sisters in our community will greatly benefit from.
Stay tuned for more coming up events...insha'Allah
Dec.26,27,28.2014 - Winter Camp
On December 26,27 & 28 Masjid Ar-Rahman organized & hosted a 3-Day camp for boys & girls. With the help of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, this event was educational, fun & memorable for all participants. We would like to thank the organizers and all of the volunteers for all the wonderful time and beautiful organization.
Boys activities included outdoor sports, a visit to Science World, one night sleep over at the masjid & many indoor relay games. Girls were busy making various crafts, learning basics in the kitchen, games & memorizing daily duas.
Realizing the need of such muslim camps in our community, insha'Allah we look forward to making this a regular event at the masjid.
Dec.10.2014 - Sisters Activities Update
Biweekly Meet & Greet
Alhamdulilah! This halaqa has been a consistent gathering for increasing Islamic knowledge. So far we have covered various topics from tafseer of Surah al Ikhlas to the current series of Importance & Rulings of Cleanliness. Not only has it been a beneficial gathering in terms of increasing knowledge, but also in building healthy sisterhood bonds, alhamdulilah. Stay tuned for future topics & series!
Qur'anic Arabic & Tajweed
With a dedicated teacher & committed students the results are always a success. Every week students increase their arabic vocabulary & focus on the right pronounciation.
Saturdays 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Qur'an Memorization
Sisters Qur'an Memorization Classes are currently on a break. Insha'Allah, the sessions will resume on January 3rd as usual.
Saturdays 12:00pm - 2:00pm - Drop-ins welcome.
Nov.2.2014 - Fun night at the Masjid
Alhamdulilah! ~Fun Night at the Masjid~was a relaxing evening for everyone who attended last Friday.
After the Maghrib prayer, all kids gathered to attentively listened to an interactive talk about ‘Muslim Identity’. Followed by various board games, colouring, puzzles and a reading session.
After Isha prayer, the evening concluded with servings of Pizza & pop while in the company of community members.
Oct.24.2014 - Fun night at the Masjid for Kids
Insha'Allah, on Friday October 31 Masjid Ar-Rahman invites the families of the North Shore to enjoy a fun evening for the kids. From 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Short lecture directed to the kids regarding Muslim identity followed by fun games such as board games, puzzles, reading corner & colouring station.
Oct.24.2014 - Getting ready for the Parenting Workshop
Tomorrow, Saturday October 25 is the Parenting workshop. For those that registered, may Allah [swt] make this session full of beneficial knowledge for us to implement in our daily lives. Ameen.
Get ready for another fun-filled event at Masjid Ar-Rahman insha'Allah. The Eid ul-Ad'ha celebration will be on
SATURDAY OCTOBER 11TH/2014 11:00AM - 4:00PM
There will be qurbani lunch for the community. The kids will enjoy the masjid playground, crafts station, henna station, face painting station & many more, insha'Allah.
Sep.29.2014 - EID UL-AD'HA
On Saturday October 03/2014 Eid ul-Ad'ha prayer will be performed at Masjid Ar-Rahman as usual insha'Allah. Our hope is that the khutbah & prayer will be held outside in the masjid parking lot, however, this will strictly depend on the weather, bi idhni-Ilah.
There will be sweets & refreshments after the prayer.
On the 2nd day of Eid, Sunday, Masjid Ar-rahman will organize to go to the farm in Pitt Meadows for Qurbanis. If you have not signed up already, please do so. The deadline is Sept. 30. HURRY!!
Sep.03.2014 - Qur'an & Tajweed for Sisters ONLY
Do you struggle to recite & understand the Qur’an?
Do you want to improve and perfect your recitation?
Do you give the Qur’an its due right and fulfill an important obligation of Islam?
Starting Saturday Sep. 06/2014, join us for our weekly Qur’an & Tajweed classes to learn how to recite the Noble Qur’an upon the way of the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sal-lam) who received it from Jibreel who received it from Allah (SWT).
“...And recite the Qur’an with Tarteel (with measured recitation).”
[Surat ul-Muzzamil 73:4]
Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, relates that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wa sal-lam) said:
“Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Certainly, recitation of the Glorious Qur’an is one of the best ways a Muslima can get closer to her Lord, the Exalted and Honoured, and learning the art of its recital is from the most honoured studies due to its relation to the Book of Allah (SWT).
The purpose of the Science of Tajweed in essence, is to protect the tongue from mistakes in reciting the book of Allah (SWT), to make the reciter proficient in reciting the Qur’an, observing the correct pronunciation of every letter with the rulings and characteristics which apply to each letter, without any exaggeration or deficiency.
The participant will learn:
Etiquettes for reciting the Holy Qur’an
Proper pronunciation and Attributes of the Arabic letters
Rules of Tajweed
Practice reading the Qur’an by applying the rules
Read and understand the Ayat of the Qur'an
Learn the Qur’anic vocabulary
Essentials of Qur’anic Arabic grammar
Certificates awarded upon successful completion of the course.
May Allah help us all to give His Book its right when we recite it and make reciting it more beloved to our tongues than anything else. Ameen.
Aug.14.2014 - Guest Speaker
On Saturday August 16th @ 6:30pm we are hosting a sisters' halaqa. Sister Nuha al-Omari from Saudi Arabia will be speaking about Muslim Family in the West. All sisters, all ages are encouraged to come to this event. Refreshments are included!
Aug.04.2014 - Eid Party & Ramadhan Competition Winners
Alhamdulillah! Allah SWT helped us to raise and praise His name. We had more than 700 people attending both Eid Al-Fitr Prayer and The Party. Thank you so much to all of our volunteers as your contribution has played a big part in making this event a great success. We have had muslim families from all over Lower Mainland join us to celebrate Eid al-Fitr at Masjid Ar-Rahman.
We, also, held competitions for children and sisters during the month of Ramadhan. The winners were announced at the Eid Party and presented with prizes & gifts:
Sister's Islamic Education Competition
1st place: Rudaina
2nd place: Deema AlLihyani
3rd place: Nadia
4th place: Razan AlAnbary
Sisters' Surat Yaseen Memorization:
Three sisters recite it: Sister Sana [Umm Foad] Qadoorah, Sister Sumaira Aftab and Sister Alaa Alhaj and the winner was Sister Sana!
Ages 7-13 Kids - Surat Almolk Memorization:
May Qadoorah and Rayan Saadi
Under 7 Kids - Surat Alnaba Memorization:
Sarah Saadi
Masjid Ar-Rahman Birds: [Based on stickers earned by helping clean-up, participation, manners and over-all behaviour]
Boys Winner: Zayed Bieg
Girls Winner: Leena Saadi
Sisters Volunteer appreciation:
Shireen Beig
Zohra Saadi
Sumaira Aftab,
Umm Abdilaziz Ansari
Umm Yaseen Anharo
Rawiyah Alshihry
Huda AlOtaibi
Manal Alshihry
Nouf Alshaigh
Rana HirzAllah
July28.2014 - EID UL-FITR
Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum.
May Allah accept from us our fast, prayers, duas...all of our good deeds we did with the intention to please HIM only. Ameen.
July26.2014 -Eid ul-Fitr Prayer & Celebration Information [Flyers]
Monday July28.2014 or Tuesday July29.2014
(subject to moonsighting)
July24.2014 - Ramadhan
Alhamdulilah! It is a blessing of Allah that He, the Almighty, has made it possible for us to experience the sweetness of this holy month of Ramadhan with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Masjid Ar-Rahman has hosted daily iftars which has brought our community closer together in celebration of this sacred month. This not only did it bring together the North Shore Muslim community, we have had Mulsims from all over the Lower Mainland join us for iftar. This would not have been possible without our dedicated volunteers that spend hours of everyday in the service of our community.
We have been fortunate to have a variety reciters for the taraweeh/night prayers this year. Our masjid has been open for those who wished to participate in I'tikaf during the last ten days.
As the month of Ramadan has come to a close, we ask Allah (swt) to forgive us all for our shortcomings and accept our fast, prayers and good deeds in this blessed month. May He make it possible for us to reach and observe the blessings of the next Ramadhan.
Tuesdays 12:00pm-1:30pm
Qur'an Memorization
Daily Hadith
درس الحديث اليومي
After Maghrib Salaah
Saturdays after Maghrib Salaah
Weekly Halaqa for ALL الحلقه الإسبوعية للجميع
Open to Everyone. Brother & Sisters.
Sundays at 9:50am
Children's School
المدرسة الإسلامية الإسبوعية للأطفال
Please join our mailing list for updates.
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